Bowing for Peace

9/11 Bowing Project:

A Peace Birthing Practice

Light is stronger than darkness and greatest is the light that comes from darkness. The sages of wisdom traditions teach that the healing that becomes possible in a life-crisis is always in direct proportion to the magnitude of the crisis.

Julia Indichova Bowing Project winter day
Julia Indichova Bowing Project summer day green shirt

9/11 Bowing Journal

August 11, 2013

August 11 was a Sunday this year.  I began bowing at my usual spot across the street from Bread Alone bakery.  But minutes after unrolling my banner I felt I was hiding, being too safe standing there in the shade, apart from the Sunday morning breakfast traffic. So I picked up the easel with the sign and took a post at the edge of the parking lot, in the sun, smack in the middle of the milling crowd.

9/11 Bowing Journal

August 11, 2013

August 11 was a Sunday this year.  I began bowing at my usual spot across the street from Bread Alone bakery.  But minutes after unrolling my banner I felt I was hiding, being too safe standing there in the shade, apart from the Sunday morning breakfast traffic. So I picked up the easel with the sign and took a post at the edge of the parking lot, in the sun, smack in the middle of the milling crowd.

Julia Indichova Bowing Project summer day green shirt

9/11 Bowing Journal

 Who Is My Primary Employer?

It’s so tempting. To turn off the news. Put blinders on. After all, it’s Ferguson, it’s Paris. it’s Benghazi. Far away. We’re safe here. Let’s just think positive. Bring more babies into the world.

Or not.


Julia Indichova Bowing Project winter day
Child drawing on 9/11 poster

Peace Says Meet Me Halfway

Bulletproof School-buses, Bio-hazard Gear or Birthing Our Braver Next Self

Who is She?

I would like to turn off all news channels, go hiking on this lovely day before my birthday. I would like to erase from memory that image of a river of blood which one of the witnesses of the Paris massacre described seeing from the window of his apartment.

But She is pleading with me to hear her.

And I know exactly how She feels.

She tells me through all She has given me that She loves and cares for me.

So I can’t just go up the mountain today and turn my back on Her.

Who is She?

She is Peace Herself as I imagine Her.


Peace Says Meet Me Halfway

Bulletproof School-buses, Bio-hazard Gear or Birthing Our Braver Next Self

Who is She?

I would like to turn off all news channels, go hiking on this lovely day before my birthday. I would like to erase from memory that image of a river of blood which one of the witnesses of the Paris massacre described seeing from the window of his apartment.

But She is pleading with me to hear her.

And I know exactly how She feels.

She tells me through all She has given me that She loves and cares for me.

So I can’t just go up the mountain today and turn my back on Her.

Who is She?

She is Peace Herself as I imagine Her.


Child drawing on 9/11 poster

9/11 Bowing Journal

 It Takes So Little

It’s the 11th and I thought I’d be bowing in my beautiful official Turn It Around tee-shirt. I even ironed one of them for the occasion. Instead I grabbed Ed’s oversize raincoat since mine was nowhere to be found.

“You’re slowing down the planet. All this technology is making us spin out of control.” said a tall, thoughtful, kind-faced man after reading the text on my banner. “It’s very gracious what you’re doing,and artistic. I like the gentle shade of blue,” he added.


Julia Indichova Bowing Project spring day blue coat